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For someone with a disability, health information on various healthcare options is essential.  For a disability that is related to, or a result of working, employers can provide information about health insurance and their disability employee coverage.  And for those whose disability is not work related, social service and public health can both be a source for health care information and assistance.

Regardless when you acquire a life altering disability, plans providing alternatives to institutional care are essential. Depending upon the circumstances, professional disability health advocates will often promote homecare over institutional care. This type of healthcare allows many who have a disability to receive the needed care in their own home, which advocates say is a more natural and better for the individual than institutional care and can be less expensive.  Unfortunately, homecare can become a financial burden or a cause of stress related mental health issues for the caregivers.

For the caregiver and the person with the disability, assistance and information is critical that can help relieve stress and confusion.  Questions about the disability, underlying medical conditions, what skills are there to help make homecare easier and less stressful and alternative care can be overwhelming.  Program Development Associates has a large collection of training and documentary resources in our Disability HealthCare store, providing essential education and information for everyone involved in health care.

For older students with special needs, it gives parents and educators continued momentum in the vital task of educating adolescents with special needs on puberty and personal safety.

A teaching aid that introduces an easy way for school nurses and teachers to the most effective way to teach the subject puberty.

This program introduces safe and responsible medication practices. Topics include the Five Right principles of medication administration, proper routes of administration, and the various techniques of managing and manipulating medicine consumption.

An intelligent and accessible look at the fundamentals of skin care for senior citizens.

Covers verbal and nonverbal communication, formal and informal communication, conflict resolution and negotiation, and staff-to-staff and staff-to-management communication.

Examines the basic elements of communication and how they can be adapted to older people who are living with hearing, vision, speech, and cognitive losses.

Examines the needs of patients with dementia and explores a range of fulfilling activities that foster self-worth and belonging.

Provides senior-care trainees and specialists with helpful diet information and strategies for getting older people to eat properly.

Addresses incontinence issues in elderly patients and helps them maintain their dignity and independence.

Students learn the basics about HIV and how it disables the immune system.

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