Program Contents: 15 minute DVD. Includes 32 page Student Book (Pkg of 10) and 36 page Teaching Guide.
Captioned: Closed captioned
Copyright Date: 2005
Designed for boys with special needs, it presents straightforward information about changes to expect during puberty. Calmly reassuring and upbeat, the narration is uncomplicated and the visuals are clear and colorful. The concise chapter format allows for instructional breaks and covers the following important topics:
• External anatomy
• Physical and emotional changes of puberty
• Health and hygiene
• Privacy and safety
Designed for students with mild to moderate disabilities, the following special populations will find this reassuring title comprehensible, practical and positive.
Students with:
• Developmental disabilities or delays
• Intrusive behavior or mental illness
• Down Syndrome
• Autism Spectrum Disorder, including Asperger's Syndrome
• Learning disabilities
• Behavioral disabilities
• Communicative disorders
This title is also recommended for boys who are early physical developers.