Program Contents: 2 DVD Set - Disc 1: College/Adult Version, 52 minutes, Disc 2: Classroom Version, 33 minutes, Panel Discussion - Community Experts, 33 minutes, filmmaker's Comments, 3 minutes, Discussion Guide, PDF file on DVD.
Captioning: Closed Captioned
Copyright Date: 2009
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A powerful documentary about teen and young adult depression and suicide - penetrating, personal stories of despair and hope told by the young people themselves and their families.
Josh, age 20, tried to jump off a bridge over a Dallas tollway. At 17, Haley swallowed 200 pills. And, at 22, Armekia cut herself repeatedly with a razor to relieve the pain.
The honesty and openness of these individuals bring us face to face with a mental illness that can result in the third-leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.