Program Contents: Windows/Mac CD-ROM
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP/ Vista/ Windows 7
Mac OS X 10.6 or higher.
Monitor: Minimum Resolution 1024 x 768.
Copyright Date: 2012
In this new interactive simulation, students must decide if sixteen diverse young people are making good budgeting decisions. Students face a total of 96 unique decisions covering all aspects of budgeting! For example:
· How should Alex budget the money he earns?
· Does Ling need a roommate to meet her expenses?
· How can Mia cut her budget?
· Should Nick spend 48% of his income on his rent and car payment?
After each decision is made, students receive an explanation of why that decision was correct or incorrect.
As students analyze these situations, they’ll gain the knowledge they need to make wise budgeting choices for themselves.
At any time during the program, students can save their work and return to the same place in the program at a later time. They can also print their results at any time to turn in.
Budgeting Decisions is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects. In the accompanying Teacher’s Guide, each of the applicable anchor standards for reading is clearly identified with samples from the text to support the alignment.