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Career Pathways Planning DVD
Career Pathways Planning DVD
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Resource #: CPPD112W
Type: DVD
Price: $129.95

Program Contents:  25 minute DVD

Captioning: Subtitled

Copyright Date: 2009


Career planning is an essential part of life development—and it can take place at any stage in one’s professional life. Taking into account the constantly evolving job market and the continual changes occurring in higher education, this program helps viewers develop a career pathway plan that identifies three areas of interest and the ways each of them can be achieved, short-term and long-term. Job-seekers of any age will discover helpful methods for career pathway planning. The support which a professional career adviser can bring is discussed, along with the need to update and renew pathway plans at regular intervals.

Segments in this Video - (6)
1. Understanding Career Pathways Planning (04:47) - 
The ability to plan a career is a vitally important skill. It is important to know how to use information to make the best decisions. For a young person the first step is to think about what you like doing. Career advisers can be helpful with this process.
2. Investigating the World of Work (04:55) - Directly approaching employers is a great way to gain information about pathways into jobs. Online job web sites and the career section are also useful. Consider both the technical and generic skills you can offer an employer.
3. Identifying Three Possible Career Interests (03:28) - After investigating the job market come up with three realistic achievable career goals. Clearly define the training, qualifications and skill set each job requires. Keep your long term career strategy in mind when making job choices.
4. The Pathways Plan in Action (04:18) - Implement your career plan with a clear set of priorities. Break it down into short term and long term goals. Check your own progress and continue to plan even after you get a job. Set goals for the future.
5. Putting It All Together (05:36) - Self analysis is the first step in defining your career path. Consider your interests and skills and research the job market. Create a list of realistic goals and define training, education and skills required. Keep track of your progress.
6. Career Pathways Planning - Credits (00:47) - Career Pathways Planning - Credits