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Concrete Strategies for Teaching & Parenting Outside the Lines DVD
Concrete Strategies for Teaching & Parenting Outside the Lines DVD
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Resource #: COND779W
Type: DVD
Price: $79.95

Program Contents:  Disc 1 - 115 minutes, Disc 2 – 117 minutes

Captioning: None

Copyright Date: 2006


Jonathan Mooney is dyslexic and did not learn to read until he was 12 years old. The strategies presented here have emerged out of his own journey, from a kid hiding in the bathroom crying to escape reading out loud, to graduating from Brown University with a 4.0 in English Literature, to publishing his first book, “Learning Outside the Lines”, at age 22, and now after nearly 7 years of travel and lecture in all 50 states and abroad.

In this 2-disc DVD set containing 4 hours of content, Jonathan outlines four concrete principles that parents, teachers, and administrators can follow to help facilitate the success of different learners – not by fixing “broken” kids, but by modifying traditional educational environments, and re-drawing the lines of what we consider “normal” learning.


Principle #1: The Myth of Stupid, Crazy and Lazy
The first principle details how we must remove the “socialization of cognitive difference” – which means, help kids unlearn “stupid”, “crazy” and “lazy” – because “no one will ever succeed if that’s the way they feel about their mind.”

Principle #2: Balancing Remediation & Empowerment
In this principle, Jonathan presents concrete strategies for balancing remediation with empowerment for all different learners.


Principle #3: Academic Accommodations & Modifications
In this principle, Jonathan presents concrete academic accommodations and modifications that can be used in the home and in the classroom.

Principle #4: Normal People Suck
This principle expands our understanding of, and raises questions about how we can resist the myth of Normalcy – because “it’s a dangerous myth and we all will be more free if we stop chasing it.”

Q & A
Jonathan takes questions from teachers, parents and administrators in the audience to elaborate on the four principles and provide further strategies to address specific concerns.

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