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Dementia Caregiver's Training DVD Package
Dementia Caregiver's Training Package
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Resource #: PD237-DCTP713W
Type: DVD
Price: $139.95

Program Contents: 89 page book with WIN/MAC CD-ROM with printable PDFs  and Two DVDs: Alzheimer's Disease 75 minutes, Straight Talk About Dementia 45 minutes

Captioning: Closed Captioned

Copyright Date: 2006


This package features two staff training DVDs (Alzheimer’s Disease and Straight Talk About Dementia) and a manual with reproducible handouts that reinforce the videos. A complete training program for new and experienced caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Disease manual and DVD were created by Drs. Kim and Gail Petersen, who have worked with dementia patients and their families for over 25 years. Straight Talk About Dementia is a winner of the 2006 CINE Golden Eagle Award.

Resources on Alzheimer’s Disease manual contains critical information, valuable assessment tools and an inservice handout on Alzheimer’s disease that complements the DVDs. Includes a PDF on CD for easy printouts. Covered spiralbound book by Drs. Kim and Gail Petersen. 89 page Book with Win/Mac CD-ROM with printable PDF files.

Alzheimer’s Disease DVD is a video-based teaching tool for professional caregivers. It has four sections: Mild Cognitive Impairment, Early, Moderate and Severe Cognitive Disability. Physical changes in the brain, cognitive capabilities and behavioral manifestations are covered. The program includes real family profiles, actors portraying common dementia behaviors and interviews with caregivers. 75 minutes.

Straight Talk About Dementia DVD features a series of interviews organized by topic, so you hear the straight stories directly from those who struggle with caregiving issues every day. Topics include: Ethical caregiving, enhancing communication, encouraging compliance, daily living activities, fundamentals like eating and bathing, and caregiver health. Interviews were compiled in the homes and offices of actual caregivers and form an easy-to-follow narrative, ideal for both support groups and training programs.