As opportunities in the healthcare industry continue to grow and evolve, job-seekers who stay aware of the field's wide-ranging positions have a decided advantage. The aging of the baby boomer generation will dramatically increase the need for home care, opening up opportunities in a frequently overlooked field.
This program explores the challenging and deeply satisfying work of the home health aide and the personal care assistant—revealing the skills and special personality traits these jobs require and the personal rewards that come from helping people “age in place” with a degree of independence.
Interviews with experienced practitioners clear up any confusion a student might have, showing that home health aides and personal care assistants deal with a patient’s nutrition, hygiene, and safety more than with cooking, cleaning, and other household duties that may be needed. The program also points out the pleasant variety these positions involve, as aides and assistants often commute to several different homes during the course of a day.
The training and certification courses for becoming a home health aide or personal care assistant, along with the possibilities for career advancement, are highlighted. Correlates to national and state board certification standards