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Real Life Teens: Emotional Abuse DVD
Real Life Teens: Emotional Abuse DVD
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Resource #: RABD064W
Type: DVD
Price: $64.95

Program Contents: 18 minute DVD

Captioning: None

Copyright Date: 2009

Many teens suffer emotional abuse from their peers, family and other trusted adults.  Emotional abuse can be difficult to define as there may not be physical signs, however it is clear that this form of destructive behavior is based on power and control.  Emotional abuse can affect a student's self-esteem and greatly impair psychological development and social interaction.  It can manifest itself in social withdrawal, severe anxiety, fearfulness, depression, physical complaints, substance abuse and the inability to feel and express emotions appropriately.  Emotional abuse can occur when anger goes too far or when parents or teens in relationships constantly criticize and threaten resulting in damage to self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.  Teens discuss their experiences with emotional abuse, how they recognize it and the effect and consequesnces it has now and can have on teens throughtout their lives.  Interspersed with the teen discussions are valuable insights and guidance from clinical psychologist, Dr. Deborah Cooper.

Subjects covered include:
• What is emotional abuse?
• Types of emotional abuse
• What to do if you are being emotionally abused
• Why does emotional abuse happen?
• Behavioral indicators of emotional abuse
• How do you know if you or someone you love is being emotionally abused?
• Can emotional abuse lead to other dangerous behaviors in teens?
• Where to turn to for help