Program Contents: 21 minute DVD. Includes CD-ROM with 64 page Teacher's guide.
Captioning: None
Copyright Date: 2004
In this entertaining, animated presentation, we see the work world through the eyes of Boarder, an irreverent but loveable skateboarder and the star of the story. Like most teens, Boarder does some things right and he does some things that aren't so right. But, he listens, applies what he hears and grows in the process. And, he keeps his job.
This curriculum helps teens:
• Become familiar with key employment documents: job descriptions, employee manuals, employment contracts
• Learn a strategy for getting to work on time
• Develop realistic job expectations about wages, authority in the workplace, dress, work hours, job performance
• Deal constructively with interpersonal conflicts involving supervisors and/or co-workers
• Appreciate the many things teen workers do right in the workplace
Take This Job and Keep It teaches as it entertains. Boarder (our star) soon discovers that finding a job is one thing, but keeping it is another. He's not quite sure about a number of things: his job description, for one, or what he's supposed to wear. He shows up late as he hasn't made a plan for getting to work on time. At the job, he observes fellow employees taking care of personal business and isn't sure if that's the right thing to do. He encounters some supervisor conflict and is faced with learning how to respond. Boarder quickly learns that how he handles conflict can make the difference between keeping or losing his job.
The thorough, highly detailed Guide follows the story and identifies key concepts in each story segment. Trainers are provided with simple prompts and activities that allow students to observe and evaluate the character's actions in the workplace. The information in this smart DVD/workbook combo is embedded in the animated story, allowing classroom trainers to focus more on facilitating than coaching success.
Take This Job does a great job of teaching teens that surviving in the workplace involves the use of social skills that help them manage anger, communicate effectively, respond constructively to criticism and interact appropriately with authority. It's a challenge to communicate such values and make them meaningful, particularly for at-risk teens, but Take This Job and Keep It does just that.