Program Contents: 11 minute DVD. Includes Teacher's Resource Book.
Captioning: Closed Captioned
Copyright Date: 2001
Proven effective in elementary school trials for reducing bullying, this research-based program consists of 6 dramatizations that show elementary school students sure-fire ways of defusing and prevailing in common bullying situations. Students are taught to use their W.I.T.S. which stands for Walk away, Ignore the person, Talk it out if you can or Seek help.
In the first dramatization Karl is bullying Matt, but Matt is able to Walk away. In the next two dramas, Karl gets the better of Matt so Matt decides to Seek help and Talk it out. Drama four shows Stacey, the new girl being taunted and teased by three other girls. She resourcefully ignores the situation by Walking away. Dramas 5 and 6 take place in a girls bathroom as the three girl bullies write hurtful words about Stacey on the bathroom mirror. Stacey does her best to counter them by using her WITS.
A teacher’s resource booklet has further activities and work sheets, which follow up on the dramas and reinforce the video’s lessons.
Produced by Human Relations Media, Inc.