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You're Hired! Job Winning Interview Strategies DVD
You're Hired! Job Winning Interview Strategies DVD
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Resource #: YHJD099W
Type: DVD
Price: $99.95

Program Contents: 26 minute DVD.

Captioned: Subtitled

Copyright Date: 2010


There’s nothing like preparation to calm the pre-interview jitters! After watching this video, young adults will know how to define personal employment goals; research a company of interest; do mock interviews, for practice; dress for success; make a good first impression; communicate strengths, skills, accomplishments, and more; ask and answer a wide variety of pertinent questions; and follow up strategically via phone, mail, or e-mail. The core message? Preparation pays off! Correlates to all applicable National and State Educational Standards including the NCLB Act.

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You're Hired! Job Winning Interview Strategies DVD
You're Hired! Job Winning Interview Strategies DVD