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Service Provider

A complete training program for new and experienced caregivers.

Addressing mental health problems in people with developmental disabilities.

Provides clear, concise, and trustworthy definitions of thousands of disorders, assessment tools, theories, anatomical terms, medications, interventions, diagnoses and professional organizations.

Gives teachers the skills to respond to challenging parents in a confident manner that builds relationships.

Encourage and motivate staff and people with disabilities to participate and succeed in community activities with "couch potato" Clyde.

Shows how a bully learns that tolerance and diversity is essential for a community to function well.

Provides a rare and important look at mental illness among young adults.

Photo-illustrated reading comprehension program featuring contemporary life skill themes.

This is not a program ABOUT people with disabilities, it is about communicating with and relating to people.

Students learn about pyshical and emotional changes of puberty.

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