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This comprehensive text focuses on social skills, communication and classroom management.

Pre-K teachers demonstrate the importance and methods of communicating and sharing information with parents throughout the assessment process.

Compelling documentary film about the inclusion of children with disabilities in public schools.

Co-Teaching, Facilitative Support and Paraeducator staffing patterns and move your inclusion program forward.

Join Rick Lavoie as he provides strategies for teaching friendship skills in the classroom, home, and community.

A mother's love and a boy's journey from the darkness of brain damage and Autism to the light that is his life today - as an acclaimed artist.

Learn as one of the world's leading therapist goes into depth on three important issues: anger management, teaching teachers, and teenage issues.

Paul White's five-stage framework for managing escalating behaviors.

Diagnostic characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome and more with Dr. Tony Attwood.

Gives teachers the skills to respond to challenging parents in a confident manner that builds relationships.

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The Boy Inside DVD

Boy in the World DVD