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The inclusion of students with disabilities has been an evolving process over the past forty years. Inclusion in the context of education is the practice in which students with special needs spend most, if not all, of their time with students without disabilities. The inclusion education model takes the point that all students are members of the school community.  Every student in the school is entitled to the same privileges and responsibility to participate in available school activities and opportunities.

Strategies for inclusion education are widely varied.  A model of the inclusion classroom places special needs students in regular classrooms.  Schools with full inclusion do not distinguish between “general” and special needs education for students with disabilities.  Inclusion for all in its ideal form could quickly eliminate terms such as “special needs inclusion” and schools would be restructured to eliminate physical and social barriers so all students would learn together.

Program Development Associates has been following the thought and practice of inclusion when it began distributing information on elementary inclusion and mainstreaming with the 1992 Academy Award winning documentary video “Educating Peter”.  Since then we have added dozens of inclusion resources for parents, teachers, early childhood professionals, managers and administrators who support the inclusion of special needs children and require more information.

Helps IEP teams maximize every participant's expertise and develop measurable and meaningful goals that really improve child outcomes.

Teachers will love joining Rick for this compelling exploration of the assessment practices that best support the differentiated classroom.

A look back and a look ahead with Richard Lavoie,creator of F.A.T. City Workshop

Filmed over the course of the third-grade school year documentary vividly captures Peter's achievements and frustrations as he makes a place for himself among his peers.

5th graders with autism spectrum and their school that has been recognized for its total inclusion of children with special needs in an inclusive classroom.

Highlights the experiences of Peter Gwazdauskas, a child with Down syndrome, in sixth grade, eighth grade, and high school as he adds speech therapy and life skills classes and on-the-job training to his academic course work.

The F.A.T. City Workshop.

Friends are particularly important to a young person with special needs and having the right skills can make all the difference.

A detailed look at the importance of IEPs and how to effectively work with members of the team.

Educational and social inclusion of youth with disabilities.

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