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Self-Determination is the right to take charge of and be responsible for your own life.  

Commitments by funding agencies and providers serving people with disabilities have required them to encourage participant driven supports and self-determination. This means the individual, not the service system, decides the supports that are needed and used. For those who offer services and funding, self-determination education is important as it changes both the way they think about people with disabilities and the way they serve them.

Self-determination resources help make this evolving concept a reality and are available by leading advocacy groups, professionals and self-advocates.  Program Development Associates has put together an extensive collection that includes self-determination training, video documentary programs, and DVDs focusing on respect, choice and informed decision making.  If you are an advocate, funding agency or service provider and committed to self-determination, community integration or participant-driven services, the Self-Determination Resource Store is a must visit.

A charming older gentleman tells about the forty years he spent inside Mansfield Training School.

A town, a school embrace inclusion! An inspiring story of one man's life.

Highlights the experiences of Peter Gwazdauskas, a child with Down syndrome, in sixth grade, eighth grade, and high school as he adds speech therapy and life skills classes and on-the-job training to his academic course work.

Encourage and motivate staff and people with disabilities to participate and succeed in community activities with "couch potato" Clyde.

Photo-illustrated reading comprehension program featuring contemporary life skill themes.

A variety of individuals with different disabilities who not only participate in their work and community but thrive because they were given an opportunity.

Match making and teen sexuality.

Profiles seven adults with disabilities living person directed lives.

Focuses on how self-advocates can do more to control and shape policies resulting in more control of the available service money.

The curriculum focuses on how self-advocates can do more to control and shape policies resulting in more control of the available service money.

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