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Self-Determination is the right to take charge of and be responsible for your own life.  

Commitments by funding agencies and providers serving people with disabilities have required them to encourage participant driven supports and self-determination. This means the individual, not the service system, decides the supports that are needed and used. For those who offer services and funding, self-determination education is important as it changes both the way they think about people with disabilities and the way they serve them.

Self-determination resources help make this evolving concept a reality and are available by leading advocacy groups, professionals and self-advocates.  Program Development Associates has put together an extensive collection that includes self-determination training, video documentary programs, and DVDs focusing on respect, choice and informed decision making.  If you are an advocate, funding agency or service provider and committed to self-determination, community integration or participant-driven services, the Self-Determination Resource Store is a must visit.

Follow the story of world-class weight lifter Jon Shapiro and his childhood sweetheart Holly James, both of whom were born with Down syndrome.

Follow the inspiring stories of people with disabilities as they experience the challenging process of being matched with and receiving a service dog.

Extensive slide presentation developed to enhance your training of professionals on inclusion.

An insightful and personal reflection that gives a voice to people who are struggling with learning disabilities.

Jonathan Mooney speaks honestly in a voice that comes straight from the educational trenches about his experience as a dyslexic and hyperactive student.

Two people with intellectual disabilities and cerebral palsy are united in their commitment to each other and to living their lives with dignity and grace.

Academy Award winning portrait of poet and journalist Mark O'Brien, who contracted polio in childhood and spent much of his life in an iron lung.

A world champion kite flyer shares his passion for flight with a man blind from birth in this tale of friendship that challenges our notions of disability.  

A highly engrossing family drama about a successful artist who must cope with his sudden paralysis following an accident.  

An edgy, raw documentary exploring the politics of disability through performances at a national conference on disability and the arts. 

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