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Social & Community Skills
For those who have an intellectual or a cognitive disability, social information is not processed or readily communicated and social abilities become impaired.  For those who experience this type of disability, social programs can play an important role in their lives.  For a person with Autism or a cognitive disability, social help may be needed.  Integrated school and community based disability social training programs that teach social skills using natural environments and cues are often the best route for acquiring skills and the facilitation of community inclusion.

However, in addition to a disability community program, there are other social education methods to help professionals teach a child or adult to communicate information and improve the skills needed to function within a community setting. Disability social resources such as video programs, curriculum and games are tools that can be used to assist professionals with community training. They can additionally be used as ways to help a person with a disability transition into a social program or recreational and employment opportunities. Program Development Associates Social and Community Store offers a large number of high quality community skills resources for professionals and parents who want the benefits and help a disability social program video or educational resource can provide.

Teaches students how to eat at home or at a restaurant on a budget.

With the help of this video, your clients or students will better understand how to present themselves professionally for interview and career success.

A comprehensive emergency response-training tool that educates both the individual and the caregiver. It verbally and visually demonstrates emergency situations and features a separate segment for the individual.

Gives test takers an idea about how much they know about money management and a benchmark to motivate them to revise their spending habits.

Designed to give staff a basic overview of fire prevention and what they can do if a fire occurs.

Growing Up! For Boys fosters the self-esteem that comes with accepting new responsibilities.

Growing Up! For Girls will help provide your students with valuable insights as they set out on the sometimes difficult path to maturity.

Teach adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Conventional and microwave cooking.

Encourage and motivate staff and people with disabilities to participate and succeed in community activities with "couch potato" Clyde.

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