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Child Development
Children with disabilities are not always able to reach the developmental milestones we would like to see them attain.  Delays in biological and psychological progression, beginning at birth for children who have a disability, can slow their transition to reaching self-sufficiency and independence as they move into adulthood.  The assistance of professionals along with appropriate supports can aid a child with a disability reach their full potential.  Specialists in disability child education can help in the development of children who have physical disabilities.  Disability specialists in child education and development are crucial in helping children reach those important milestones in their lives.

Program Development Associates Child Development Store has been stocked specifically to help professionals and caregivers working with children with disabilities.  It offers disability children education and training resources on motor, physical, cognitive, speech and language development for early education and child development specialists.

Pre-K teachers demonstrate the importance and methods of communicating and sharing information with parents throughout the assessment process.

Delivers a detailed overview of the cognitive development that takes place between the ages of three and five.

Helps readers provide strong leadership across every key aspect of program development for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Learn how you can get your kids up, dressed and out of the house in the morning without being late-and how you can get them back to bed in the evening without going crazy and much, much more.

All of the child's developing senses are used in understanding his surroundings. Teachers can enhance this by giving the child time to explore how something feels, looks, tastes, smells and sounds.

For every kind of sensory need, there is a story that illustrates how a child may behave.

Valuable messages to share about the need to set limits for children and the importance of saying NO.

Pre-K teachers demonstrate the importance and methods of communicating and sharing information with parents throughout the assessment process.

Children learn the alphabet, numbers, spelling, reading and writing plus singing a song, watch kids color pictures and play at recess.

Teaches children all about their body and how to keep it clean.

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